October 2011 – The Ecopath Research and Development Consortium is born (UCB, Vancouver, Canada)

In October 2011 we participated in the creation of the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium.

  • The Ecopath Research and Development Consortium was established in Vancouver, Canada, in 2011.
  • The Consortium is a global, cooperative network focused on the research, development and sustainability of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) approach and software, its information basis, and complementary activities and capabilities.
  • The Consortium is a non-commercial activity that is operated on a not for profit basis.
  • The objective of the Consortium is to contribute to the sustainability of living resources and ecosystems by developing, applying, teaching, and promoting modelling and analytical tools, with a focus on the EwE modelling approach. The work is done as a cooperative effort between research, technical, and educational entities from around the world.
  • The Consortium has as its aim to advance the development of EwE, to provide value to the users of the software, and to contribute to research and development of ecosystem-based management with a focus on EwE’s contribution to this.
  • The Consortium is organized in an Executive Board, Regional Offices, a Technical Committee, a General Assembly, and a series of Working Groups.
  • The Consortium is governed by an Executive Board and composed of registered Members.


September 2009 – Ecopath 25 year conference and workshops (UBC, Vancouver, Canada)

In September 2009 we helped organize the first conference of the research community to celebrate the 25 years of Ecopath with Ecosim approach at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

The Ecopath 25 Years Conference aimed to provide an overview of 25 years of progress using this approach in different fields: fisheries management, ecosystem comparisons, spatial analyses, climate impacts, and ecosystem-based management as well as to introduce exciting new features. It was an international scientific reunion on ecosystem modelling using the software Ecopath and Ecosim (EwE). Futhermore, this event allowed users from the scientific community, education bodies, members of governmental organizations and NGOs to be given an overview on what had been achieved since Ecopath’s inceptions. Key topics of the conference included: expansion of features to the analysis of fishing policies; establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs); study of socioeconomic factors of marine exploitation; and incorporation of climatic drivers in the analysis of marine ecosystems.

