December 2024 – PhD day
A new edition of iMARES PhD day with lots of interesting talks about student projects and discussions. And it follows with a nice pre-hollidays lunch!
A new edition of iMARES PhD day with lots of interesting talks about student projects and discussions. And it follows with a nice pre-hollidays lunch!
The ICM-CSIC, in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC), has produced a new report that underscores the urgency of transforming the current fisheries management model, including the production, distribution, and consumption of marine resources to ensure long-term sustainability and a fairer distribution of the benefits generated.
Specifically, the report highlights the need to adopt an ecosystem-based fisheries management model rather than one focused on individual species, considering the complex interactions between species and their environment. According to the authors, this approach will improve the health and resilience of marine ecosystems and complement traditional strategies, which are not always sufficient.
Furthermore, the report proposes a holistic vision of the oceans, considering the entirety of marine ecosystems, including habitats, biodiversity, the ecological processes that sustain them, and the range of economic activities that take place, from resource production to distribution and consumption.
“This integrated perspective is essential for reversing the degradation of marine ecosystems and ensuring their recovery, thus contributing to the preservation of the services they provide to society,” says Marta Coll (ICM-CSIC), the study’s author.
The report also stresses the importance of scientific research as a fundamental basis for the development of tools and innovative strategies that enable more effective and sustainable management of marine resources. In addition, it emphasizes the need to ensure fairer and more transparent value chains, ensuring that the benefits reach local communities and sector workers in a just manner.
“A fairer distribution of the benefits generated by fishing and aquaculture is necessary. We cannot talk about sustainability solely in environmental terms, but also need to include social and economic justice. The benefits of these sectors must be equitable and transparent for local communities and workers,” states Miquel Ortega (ICM-CSIC), another of the report’s authors.
Finally, the document calls on governments, businesses, and civil society to collaborate on the implementation of urgent measures for production, distribution, and consumption that will ensure the health of the oceans and a sustainable future for the next generations. These actions are vital for contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to protecting life below water and combating climate change.
The new report is part of the “Science for Public Policy” collection, which aims to act as a bridge between research centres and policymakers:
“This programme is intended to become a mechanism for public officials at all levels of government to make more effective decisions based on scientific knowledge,” says the President of CSIC, Eloísa del Pino.
The report is also issued in Alimentta think tank
We hold the first Master’s student day! We had great presentations by 19 master students that have finished their work during 2021-2022 or are starting their projects in 2022-2023.
Time | Year | Name | Supervisors | Title |
9.00-9.15 | 2022 | Miriam Gimeno | Fran Ramírez / Joan Giménez | Climate and human impacts on global penguin hotspots: current assessments for future conservation. |
9.20-9.35 | 2022 | Laia Rosell | Fran Ramírez | A systematic review and meta-analysis of the pollutant exposure (POPs and trace elements) by penguin through the Southern Hemisphere. |
9.40-9.55 | 2022 | Marc Vez | Joan Navarro / Joan Giménez | Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the foraging ecology of an opportunistic predator inhabiting urban environments. |
10.00-10.15 | 2022 | Ana Fernández | Joan Navarro / Joan Giménez | Spatial variability of Hg values in a demersal mesopredator along the western Mediterranean Sea. |
10.20-10.35 | 2022 | Luca Francotte | Joan Giménez / Joan Navarro | Long-term changes in the feeding habits of swordfish in the western Mediterranean Sea. |
10.40-10.55 | 2022 | Martín Barreiros | Valerio Sbragaglia | Analysis of fishing in the MPAs of the Spanish Mediterranean (comparison between recreational and professional fishing) |
11.00-11.25 | Cofee Break | |||
11.25-11.30 | 2023 | Mar Pardo | Joan Giménez / Marta Coll | Feeding ecology of age-0 bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Valencia |
11.35-11.40 | 2023 | Laura Sanz | Joan Navarro / Nixon | Creels as a low-impact alternative to trawling to fish deep-sea Norway lobster. |
11.45-11.50 | 2023 | Ana Baeza | Francisco Ramírez /Joan Navarro | Urban gulls as sentinels of Hg pollution in urban marine environments. |
11.55-12.00 | 2023 | Angela Loring | Joan Navarro / Joan Giménez | Unravelling the causes of mortality in razorbills wintering in the Alborán Sea |
12.05-12.10 | 2023 | Joana Domingo | Joan Navarro | Distribución y selección de lugares de nidificación de un depredador oportunista presente en ecosistemas urbanos. |
12.15-12.20 | 2023 | Sofía Diéguez | Maria Bas | Canvis en la presència d’espècies marines en el registre zooarqueològic de l’Hemisferi Sud com a mètode de validació de models de distribució d’espècies marines en el passat. |
12.25-12.30 | 2023 | Aleix Ferrer | Fran Ramírez | Uso de hábitat y ecología trófica de la gaviota de Audouin en el mediterráneo occidental. Màster en Teledeccion y GIS |
12.35-12.40 | 2023 | Núria Bosch | Fran Ramírez / Joan Giménez | Facing a warming Antarctic Ocean: Penguin population responses to increasing water temperatures and sea ice retreat. |
12.45-12.50 | 2023 | Estella Carbonell | Marta Coll / Miquel Ortega | Historical analysis of the socio-ecological system associated with the Ebro Delta purse seine fishery |
12.55-13.00 | 2023 | María Begoña Cobo | Odei García-Garin / Marta Coll | Microplastic modelling through the food web: The Delta de l’Ebre as a study case. |
13.05-13.10 | 2023 | Andrés Moreira | Odei García-Garin / Diego Páez | Assessing the presence of microplastics in Galapagos Sea Lions’ scats as a bioindicator of pollution in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. |
13.15-13.20 | 2023 | Núria González | Odei García-Garin / Manel Gazo | Presència de microplàstics en els continguts estomacals d’una espècie de tauró bentònic en zones de canyons submarins del Golf de Lleó: la moixina (Galeus melastomus) com a cas d’estudi. |
13.25-13.30 | 2023 | Lara Fazzari | Valerio Sbragaglia | Public attention to invasive alien species in the Mediterranean Sea |
We started our new research project SEINE-ETP “Assessment of potential interactions between the purse SEINErs fishery of Castellón and Endangered, Threatened, Protected species” with some field work in the purse seine fleet.
In October 2011 we participated in the creation of the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium.