October 2011 – The Ecopath Research and Development Consortium is born (UCB, Vancouver, Canada)

In October 2011 we participated in the creation of the Ecopath Research and Development Consortium.

  • The Ecopath Research and Development Consortium was established in Vancouver, Canada, in 2011.
  • The Consortium is a global, cooperative network focused on the research, development and sustainability of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) approach and software, its information basis, and complementary activities and capabilities.
  • The Consortium is a non-commercial activity that is operated on a not for profit basis.
  • The objective of the Consortium is to contribute to the sustainability of living resources and ecosystems by developing, applying, teaching, and promoting modelling and analytical tools, with a focus on the EwE modelling approach. The work is done as a cooperative effort between research, technical, and educational entities from around the world.
  • The Consortium has as its aim to advance the development of EwE, to provide value to the users of the software, and to contribute to research and development of ecosystem-based management with a focus on EwE’s contribution to this.
  • The Consortium is organized in an Executive Board, Regional Offices, a Technical Committee, a General Assembly, and a series of Working Groups.
  • The Consortium is governed by an Executive Board and composed of registered Members.
