January 2021 – Ecosystem Modelling Graduate Course online

A new Ecosystem Modelling Course, organized by the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), just started online!

The course is open for UBC graduate students with interest in quantitative modelling, as well as for some upper-level UBC undergraduate students.  Because of the Covid-19 situation, UBC does not allow on-campus classes for the coming semester, therefore the course is online via Zoom. This opens for wider participation in the course, and we allow informal auditing of the course. In addition to Zoom, we will broadcast the classes directly on FaceBook Live, available through the Ecopath FaceBook page.

We intend to make recordings of the lectures and Q/A (not class discussions and tutorials) available through www.ecopath.org‘s YouTube channel.

Many interesting seminars will be given during the course from expert marine ecosystem modelers around the world. Instructors are Dr. Villy Christensen and MSc Santigao de la Puente (UBC, Canada), Leigh McGaughey (River Institute, Canada) and Marta Coll (ICM-CSIC, Spain).

October 2020 – Final event of MarCons

MarCons Final Conference

We participated in the final conference of MarCons, coordinating Panel 1. Assessing multiple threats to marine biodiversity

The panelists’ presentations and the Slido poll results are now available online on our website.
During the conference, the following publication was mentioned, which is actually a number of recommendations for advancing marine conservation in European seas, and synthesizes the work conducted through MarCons’ lifetime. It is now available online.

Well done everybody!

September 2020 – MarCons COST Action Final Meeting

MarCons COST Action on Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas is arriving to an end.

During MarCons, lots of interesting activities and products regarding marine conservation have been developed: http://www.marcons-cost.eu/

And…we are starting to work towards MarCons II

Stay tunned!

April 2020 – PELWEB project final meeting

The 21st of April 2020 we had our third and final project meeting of PELWEB  (Winners, losers and shifts of pelagic food WEB changes in the western Mediterranean Sea: from ecosystem consequences to future projections).

Due to COVID-19 meeting limitations, 15 members of PELWEB team met online and showcased the great work achieved during the first two years of the project, and organized the future work to do. 

Several outcomes of the project are already published or will be out soon, while others are still in the pipeline.

Congratulations to all with the good work done!

February 2020 – Stakeholders Workshop “Socio-ecological analyses of the pelagic system of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, focusing on the dynamics o small pelagic fish and fisheries” (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

The Workshop “Socio-ecological analyses of the pelagic system of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, focusing on the dynamics o small pelagic fish and fisheries” was held at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain, the 22th of February 2020.

Organizers: Marta Coll, Marta Albo Puigserver, Joan Giménez, Elena Lloret Lloret, Jeff Dambacher


The general objective of the workshop was to create a dialogue between stakeholders of the pelagic system of the Northwest Mediterranean Sea; focusing on the dynamics of small commercial pelagic fish (targeting sardine and anchovy) and the fishing activity associated with them.

The workshop started with a scientific overview of the current knowledge derived from several research projects. Then, factors and processes that may be affecting our understanding of the dynamics of the pelagic system were identified. Finally, stakeholders mentioned and discussed several proposals to improve the management of the fishing resource. The analysis was done from an ecological, social, economic and fisheries management perspective. All the information was integrated using qualitative network modelling techniques with the assistance of Dr. Jeffrey Dambacher, from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), (Tasmania, Australia).

Sixteen stakeholders representing the fisheries sector, scientific institutions, environmental organizations and the regional administration participated in the workshop.

December 2019 – EwE 35 Years conference (FI, Florida, USA)

The group participated in the EwE 35 Years conference and workshops!

4-11 December 2019 – FWRI, St Petersburg, FL. USA

The “Ecopath 35 years – Making Ecosystem-Based Management Operational” conference and workshops was held in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, during December 4 to 11, 2019, and showcased thirty-five years of progress using the Ecopath approach in different fields: fisheries management, marine conservation, ecosystem dynamics, climate impacts, and ecosystem-based management (EBM), as well as to introduce exciting new facilities of the approach. The gathering was an international scientific reunion on ecosystem modelling based on the Ecopath and Ecosim modelling framework and software.


June 2019 – EuroMarine workshop on spatial model fitting (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

We co-organized with Ecopath International Initiative the EuroMarine workshop “Modelling for policy advice under a global change context: expert workshop on measuring and improving the fit of spatial-temporal aquatic ecosystem models” at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona.

The workshop brought together experts across different ecological modeling and spatial-temporal statistical approaches to discuss the state of the art and plan a way forward to improve spatial-temporal models for policy advice.

Funding: EuroMarine

April 2019 – Stakeholders Workshop “Updating the knowledge on small pelagic fish in the northwestern Mediterranean” (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

We organized a second workshop with the fisheries associations and representatives of the small pelagic fisheries “Actualització del coneixement sobre els petits pelàgics al Mediterrani nord occidental” to update them about the main results of our projects PELWEB and SPELMED, at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC), in Barcelona, Spain.

Organizers: Marta Coll, Marta Albó Puigserver , John G. Ramírez, María Grazia Pennino & Jose María Bellido (IEO)


March 2019 – Workshop Gender Equity in European research (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

Co-organization of Workshop Gender Equity in European research as an activity of MarCons COST Action 15121 ‘Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas’. 27th – 29th March, Barcelona, Spain.


September 2018 – Theme session on Cumulative effects assessment in the marine realm: approaches, examples and future needs (ICES ASC, Hamburg, Germany)

Co-organization of Theme session E, Cumulative effects assessment in the marine realm: approaches, examples and future needs.

Conveners: Vanessa Stelzenmüller (Germany), Marta Coll (Spain), Joachim Claudet (France). ICES ASC 24th September 2018, Hamburg, Germany