June 2016 – Course “Qualitative Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems” (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

We organized a specialized course about Qualitative Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain.

Qualitative mathematical modelling was introduced as a means to understand and predict the dynamics of complex biological and socio-economic systems. The technique poses the question: if all we know of a system is the general nature of relationships between species and environmental and human variables, but not the precise intensity of these interactions, then what do we know?

Teacher: Jeffrey Dambacher (CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania)


May 2016 – Course “Modelling aquatic ecosystems with Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace” (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

We organized a specialized course about Modelling aquatic ecosystems with Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain, from 30 May – 3 June 2016.

Teachers: Marta Coll, Villy Christensen, Isabel Palomera and Jeroen Steenbeek

Location: ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

This course introduced basic concepts and modelling procedures of aquatic ecosystems. Participants were provided with the principles behind EwE (www.ecopath.org), and how to design, parameterize and analyze an ecological model with Ecopath. Introductory concepts of the temporal module Ecosim and the spatial-temporal module Ecospace were presented.

March 2016 – Course “Basic use of Ecopath with Ecosim” (CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania)

We participated in a specialized course about the Basic use of Ecopath with Ecosim.

Dates: 7-11 March 2016

Location: CSIRO, Hobart, Australia

Teachers: Villy Christensen, Marta Coll, Jeroen Steenbeek, and Carl Walters.

This basic course of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) modeling approach introduced the current capabilities of the EwE desktop software (www.ecopath.org).

This course provided a birds-eye view of all that the EwE modelling approach has to offer:

  • Introduction to the foundation of the EwE approach and a discussion of basic parameterizations;
  • Advanced parameterization of EwE models through online databases such as FishBase and WoRMS;
  • Basic temporal modeling with Ecosim;
  • Advanced temporal modeling such as fitting models to data and driving models with external drivers;
  • Basic spatial-temporal modeling using the original Ecospace model;
  • Advanced spatial-temporal modeling using new habitat capacity model;
  • Demonstration how to drive the Ecospace model with varying time series of maps;
  • Introduction to programming with the Ecopath with Ecosim source code.

The course was structured between presentations and computer time.

Course website : CSIRO event

September 2015 – Course “Introduction to Ecopath with Ecosim” (UFRN, Natal, Brazil)

We participated as teachers in a specialized course about the basic use of Ecopath with Ecosim.

Location: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Norte (Brazil, Natal)

Dates: 14-18 September 2015

Teachers: Marta Coll, Jeroen Steenbeek, Ronaldo Angelini (UFRN)

This basic course of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) modeling approach introduced the current capabilities of the EwE desktop software (www.ecopath.org). Besides an introduction to the foundation of the EwE approach and a discussion of basic parameterizations, we introduced advanced features for parameterization of EwE models through online databases such as FishBase and WoRMS.

Advanced features of Ecosim, such as fitting models to data, and driving models with external drivers, were discussed. The origin

al Ecospace model and the new habitat capacity model were introduced. Finally, an introduction how to program with the EwE source code was demonstrated. The course was structured between presentations and computer time. Local participants were invited to use their own models for the course. Participants by video conference attended the lectures. Lectures were given mostly during the morning.


September 2014 – Course “Qualitative Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems” (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain)

We organized a specialized course about Qualitative Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems at the Institute of Marine Science (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain.

Dates: 22-26 September 2014

Location: ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

Teachers: Jeffrey Dambacher (CSIRO, Hobart, Tasmania)

2014 – Specialized course “Q-EAF Quantiative Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries” (IRD, Sete, France)

In 2014 Marta Coll participated in the specialized course “Q-EAF Quantiative Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries” at the Institute of Research for the Development, EME212 UMR, in Sète, France.

2014 – International Master “Gestión Pesquera Sostenible”, Alicante University (Spain)

In 2014 Marta Coll participated in the International Master “Gestión Pesquera Sostenible” at the Facultad de Ciencias of Universitad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain.

2013 – Specialized course “AERME 2013” (IRD, Sete, France)

In 2013 Marta Coll participated as a teacher at the specialized course “AERME 2013” organized at the Institute of Research for the Development, EME212 UMR, in Sète, France.

2012 – International Master “Gestion Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros” (UGC, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)

In 2012 Marta Coll participated as a teacher in the International Master “Gestion Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros” organized by the University of Gran Canaria, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

2012 – International Master “Gestión Pesquera Sostenible”, Alicante University (Spain)

In 2012 Marta Coll participated in the International Master “Gestión Pesquera Sostenible” at the Facultad de Ciencias of Universitad de Alicante, Alicante, Spain.