The project is entitled “Fostering the capacity of marine ecosystem models to project the cumulative effects of global change and plausible future oceans” (PI: Marta Coll ICM-CSIC, Barcelona, Jose Mª Bellido IEO-Murcia & Xavier Barber UMH, Elche).
The PhD fellow will receive a 4-year contract with a gross annual salary of 16,250€ for each of the first two annuities; 17,410 for the third annuity; and 21,760 for the fourth annuity, apart from an additional grant of 6,860€ for mobility and training for the 4-year period.
Applications will open in mid-October 2021 through the following link. In the meantime we encourage future applicants to contact us and check the details of the position. 0 0 mcollmonton mcollmonton2021-10-06 20:47:292021-10-06 20:50:24Phd opportunity - marine ecosystem modelling of the global ocean Job opportunity – Postdoctoral contract in marine ecosystem modelling Octobre 2021 – Infographics of small pelagic fish Scroll to top